Vala Autumn 2021 Feature Sale. “Cheers” tops sale at $26,000
The Vala Autumn 2021 Feature Sale was held on 29 March 2021. Adjusting to the new post-pandemic circumstances Vala introduced a new format at this Sale. Rather than present each Lot the traditional way (i.e. individually in a sale ring for auction), each animal was pre-presented on video over social media and on-line in the weeks leading up to the Sale. For buyers attending Vala’s Binda Vale property at Toolamba in person on the day of the Sale the Lots were available for inspection in holding paddocks and the auction itself was conducted via a simultaneous format allowing both bids in person and bids via the on-line auction site. It was a successful innovation allowing bidders who could not travel to participate in the Sale and all Lots were sold on the day.
As usual the Vale team did a tremendous job presenting the Binda Vale property and the animals on the Sale day. However, the new format required a lot more work in the weeks beforehand as each animal had to be prepared, video taken and then disseminated on-line. This effort was much appreciated and paid dividends on the Sale day.
Topping the day was Vala Sidekick Cheers who attracted a winning bid of $26,000.
This heifer came from an imported Walnutlawn Sidekick embryo from Unique Dempsey Cheers EX95 (EX96 Mammary). 10 generations EX & VG. Reserve All Canadian and All American Jnr 2yo 2017. Intermediate Champion Wisconsin Championship Show 2018. Reserve Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2018.
Overall the sale averaged $4,200 per Lot.
Particularly pleasing was the strong interest in Vala’s Holstein bulls – many of which are A2A2 and/or polled.
Vala always has its doors open to private sales of both pedigree Holstein cows and heifers - Vala also always has an extensive line-up of pedigree Holstein bulls available for sale. All livestock at Vala are open to offers at any time. Also all are registered pedigrees and all have been genomically tested across 3 indexes (GTPI, GLPI and gBPI) therefore buyers can have real data to allow them to make selections and to purchase with confidence. Vala is also able to work with buyers to accommodate buyer preferences for custom-joinings on their purchases – both in terms of sire selection and timing of joinings so as to meet the specific requirements of buyers’ herds.
March 2021